Vimeo Link of Evensong Service
Entire Service Audio - July 14, 2022
1. Opening Organ Voluntary
2. Hymn 28
3. Preces and Responses
4. Psalm 74
5. First Reading
6. Magnificat
7. Second Reading
8. Nunc Dimittis
9. Lesser Litany/Lord's Prayer/Suffrages & Collects
10. Anthem
11. Hymn 24
12. Concluding Voluntary
Vimeo Link of Sunday Eucharist
Entire Service Audio - July 16, 2023
1. Opening Organ Voluntary
2. Hymn 392
3. Gloria
4. Psalm 119
5. Hymn 589
6. Sermon
7. Anthem
8. Sanctus & Benedictus
9. Agnus Dei
10. Communion Organ Improvisation
11. Communion Anthem
12. Communion Hymn
13. Hymn 541
14. Closing Organ Voluntary
Vimeo Link of Evensong Service
Entire Service Audio - July 14, 2022
1. Opening Organ Voluntary
2. Hymn 28
3. Preces and Responses
4. Psalm 74
5. First Reading
6. Magnificat
7. Second Reading
8. Nunc Dimittis
9. Lesser Litany/Lord's Prayer/Suffrages & Collects
10. Anthem
11. Hymn 24
12. Concluding Voluntary
Vimeo Link of Sunday Eucharist
Entire Service Audio - July 16, 2023
1. Opening Organ Voluntary
2. Hymn 392
3. Gloria
4. Psalm 119
5. Hymn 589
6. Sermon
7. Anthem
8. Sanctus & Benedictus
9. Agnus Dei
10. Communion Organ Improvisation
11. Communion Anthem
12. Communion Hymn
13. Hymn 541
14. Closing Organ Voluntary