Reasons for Attending the
Sewanee Church Music Conference
10. It's like finally getting your letter to Hogwarts.
9. Pray. Eat. Sing. Eat. Learn. Eat. Concert. Eat...
8. Drinking wine or some other classy adult beverage is not only acceptable, it's expected.
7. Where else can you sing gospel hymns at midnight and Anglican chant at 7am?
6. Where carbo-loading is recommended for picture day.
5. You get to wear your expensive academic hood AND be snooty about it.
4. We measure processional length in tenths of a mile rather than feet.
3. Where the congregation comes to church in shorts but stays for the postlude.
2. What happens at Frolic stays at Frolic.
1. We could never afford Sewanee tuition on our church one week a summer it is!
9. Pray. Eat. Sing. Eat. Learn. Eat. Concert. Eat...
8. Drinking wine or some other classy adult beverage is not only acceptable, it's expected.
7. Where else can you sing gospel hymns at midnight and Anglican chant at 7am?
6. Where carbo-loading is recommended for picture day.
5. You get to wear your expensive academic hood AND be snooty about it.
4. We measure processional length in tenths of a mile rather than feet.
3. Where the congregation comes to church in shorts but stays for the postlude.
2. What happens at Frolic stays at Frolic.
1. We could never afford Sewanee tuition on our church one week a summer it is!